


Why Would You Ever Want to Steam and Why Yoni?

Yoni is an ancient Sanskrit word- representing the vulva/vagina. In Hinduism it’s a sign of generative power and that symbolizes the goddess Shakti. The goddesses Shakti “embodies the creative and auspicious powers of nature, the elements, music, art, dance, and prosperity. Shakti may be personified as the gentle and benevolent Uma, consort of Shiva, or Kali, the terrifying force destroying evil, or Durga, the warrior who conquers forces that threaten the stability of the universe.”(Johnson). We have 2 Yoni stations. If you are looking for more privacy steam on Mondays during our Functional Community Acupuncture clinic. We will have 1 room dedicated to steaming, with 4 steaming seats and all needed supplies. Why not steam, sauna and get some acupuncture all in one place! We will also have a steaming station in our back corner of the studio. To extend your steam treatment. Booking a sauna to follow, which will increase the absorption of the herbs and improve the detox process.

Here are a few reasons why you would want to steam

  • Steaming can help regulate your menstrual cycle. By reducing PMS symptoms and irregularity of cycle. 
    • Such as: cramps, bloating, lack of energy, emotional irritability. Decreases blood flow, reduces blood stasis, clots, dark blood and cycle irregularity.
  • promotes fertility
  • Helps heel and prevent hemorrhoids 
  • Aids in postpartum recovery by repairing vaginal tears, epistomities, and c-section scarring.
  • helps with painful intercourse
  • Helps heal emotional and sexual trauma
  • Increases your sexual drive, and improves the strength and amount of orgasms you have.
  • Improve stress, focus, anxiety, and helps your body regain overall balance
  • Reduces chronic yeast and UTI infections. (not for active UTI/yeast infections)
  • Detoxify the womb and remove toxins from the body
  • Release stored emotions
  • Improves overall creativity

Yoni Steams are recommended every 2 weeks or longer between steams.

If you are cycling, we recommend you listen to your body and experiment with when to steam. If you are working on PMS symptom relief or infertility. We recommend before and after each cycle. It may take several months to truly see if steaming is right for you. If you haven’t gotten a cycle, or no longer get a cycle or never had one. We recommend no more than every 2 weeks. Steaming is amazing, but your flora is also amazing. If you steam too often your flora will become off balanced. Some people only steam seasonally, or on the solstices. Yoni Steams can be therapeutic or spiritual. Please do some experimenting and soul searching on what feels right to you. If you are looking for a new self-care routine, try Yoni Steams!

When Not to Steam

  • menstruating
  • ovulation if trying to conceive
  • Pregnant or think you may be pregnant
  • Open sores, and/or herpes
  • Active internal infection of cervical, uterus, and/or vagina with fever
  • If you have an IUD (some say you can for 5-10mins a session)

Yoni Steams – 30 min Sessions $40 each session